Generations For Peace is proud to unveil the first volume of its peer-reviewed journal Transformations.

Published by Generations For Peace Institute and Working and Writing for Change, New City Community Press, Transformations works from the premise that everyone has an important world view, that everyone possesses valuable insights and strategies on the most pressing global issues. As such, the journal intends to amplify the too often unheard voices of local changemakers who are using non-violent strategies to reinvent public spheres, marked by conflict, into peaceful civic spaces premised on tolerance and inclusion.
Transformations will feature the insights of advocates, peacemakers, organizational leaders, and community members who will discuss the implications of their public work. Beyond supporting the work of these communities, these insights will also be used to expand academic scholarship which, by too often dismissing the pragmatic work of change, fails to recognize how central concepts such as peace, human rights, and community are being reinvented locally to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
Sustainable Peace: Learning to Unlearn
by Safiya Ibn Garba DTRF
13th Poverty and Social Protection Conference [PSPC2023]
9th – 11th of March 2023, Bangkok, Thailand organised by
Tomorrow People Organization
Paper Presented: Citizen Resilience and Accountability in Governance: Why No, Why Yes. by Safiya Ibn Garb DTRF
EWEI International Conference 2022 [EIC2022]
Empowering Women for Excellence Initiative (EWEI) is organising an International Conference themed “Increasing Women’s Participation in Addressing Global and Local Challenges.”
The key goal of the conference is to Support Participants’ Understanding and Application of how to Address Challenges Limiting Women’s Participation and Leadership from the Grassroots to the Global Level.
The conference seeks to explore a variety of topics including but not limited to: Mental Health, Disaster Risk Reduction, Food Security, Poverty, Education, Peace and Conflict, Gender Discrimination, Information, Learning and Development, Leadership, Climate Action, and Emergency, Cancer, Infrastructure, Extractive industries, Entertainment, Media, Governance, STEM, Causes and Movements, Positive Deviance, Resilience, Business, and Communications.
Read more
13th Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference [WLEC2022]
The 13th Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference [WLEC2022] held from 1 – 3 March 2022 and was organised by Tomorrow People Organization.
With the theme Innovation, Illumination and Integration, WLEC 2022 included 41 countries, 156 attendees, 35 speakers, 25 sessions and 3 panel discussions. It was a heartwarming and powerful example of the true power of connections and what can happen when a community stays together.
The academic paper, “Women in the Limelight: Strides and Paradigm Shifts” was presented at the conference by EWEI Founder and Programme Director, Safiya Ibn Garba.
Watch the presentation.
Read and download the conference publication.
10,000 Swamp Leaders 2022
10,000 Swamp Leaders was birthed and is hosted by Rick Torseth who has been coaching leaders since 1992. If it’s accurate that we learn best from our failures, then he has been on a robust learning journey for nearly thirty years.
Rick is fully committed to professional and adult development. He returned to school when he turned 50. He has a master’s degree from Oxford University and HEC Paris which focuses on building leadership adaptive capacity to thrive inside this disruptive world.
Rick is the current Chair of the Change Leaders; the alumni community of graduates from his master’s programme and a partner in ImpactBasis, a Netherlands based consulting and coaching firm focused on helping organisations execute social change.
EWEI’s Founder and Programme Director featured in a podcast in February 2022, “Multi-tasking-Master: Safiya Ibn Garba: Leading in Two Organizations for Social Change.”
Listen to the podcast here.
8th Peace and Conflict Resolution Virtual Conference (PCRC) 2021
The 8th Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference (PCRC) 2021, which held from 5 – 7 November 2021 and organised by Tomorrow People Organization was one of a kind platform for global stakeholders from academic, professional and governmental realms to gather, network and discuss themes and current issues related to peace and conflicts. PCRC offered a unique, culturally and professionally diverse environment, carefully designed to foster personal and professional growth.
EWEI’s Founder and Programme Director presented an academic paper titled “Tending To The Devastating Wounds Of Nigerian Girls And Women” at the conference.
Watch the presentation.
Read and download the conference publication.
The Girls Boardroom – 2021 Graduation
Graduation of Cohort of First Phase of Graduates of the Young Women Leaders Mentorship Program implemented by The Girls Boardroom Kenya. The Girls Boardroom is a networking platform for the bold female change makers and help women smash the glass ceilings and excel in their careers.

The Girls Boardroom held an online graduation event on 5 June 2021 for the first cohort of from the first phase of their Young Women Leaders Mentorship Program. Empowering Women for Excellence Initiative Programme Director and Director of institutional Learning at Generations For Peace attended the event as a Guest Speaker. Her address was titled: “Its a Big, Bad, Scary World but I’ve Got This.”
Watch the session.
PeaceCon 2020
PeaceCon 2020 organised by the Alliance for Peacebuilding under the theme: Pandemics, Peace, and Justice: Shaping what comes Next.” The Conference was held virtually from 7 – 9 December 2020.
In the midst of a global pandemic that has devastated the economic, political, and social infrastructure of fragile and conflict affected states, PeaceCon 2020 brought together thought leaders across virtual borders to discuss the future of peacebuilding in the wake of COVID-19, mass demonstrations against systemic injustice and racism, and rising global violence.
From exploring ways to navigate dis-/mis-information during COVID-19, to discussing what comes next for the Global Fragility Act, to analysing the relationship between police and youth in El Salvador, PeaceCon 2020 surpassed all expectations in its diversity and inclusivity.
Programme Director, Empowering Women for Excellence Initiative Safiya Ibn Garba was featured in a panel: Women Building Inclusive Peace: Innovative Approaches from Nigeria and the United States.
Watch the session.